Types of Venomous Snakes in Florida and What You Should Do If You Encounter One
Snakes are a part of summer more than any other season because they love the sun. They love basking in it because of their own cold nature and that is why it is so important to watch your step because they are everywhere, especially in the south. Types of Venomous Snakes Found in Florida: Pit Vipers Pit Vipers got their name based on the heat-sensitive pits that are found on either side of their head. Of all the venomous snakes found in Florida, five of them are Pit Vipers. Pit Vipers have very distinct characteristics: Thick blocky head Thick body Rough looking scales Dark facial band Types of Pit Vipers Cottonmouths: are often confused with other non-venomous snakes are Florida’s most aquatic snake can be found in North Florida in ponds, wetlands, lake, and rivers can grow up to 6 feet long, but are usually 2-4 feet in length feed on frogs, mice, fish, and small mammals have a while lining in their mouth that can be seen when they are in their aggressive stanc...